EVDC Equine Research Day 2025

Date: 4th June 2025

Location: Pool House Equine Hospital.
Lichfield, WS13 8RD, UK



09.00-09.30 Welcome and update on residency programmes - Henry Tremaine
09.30-10.00 Update on DMS - Nicole Du Toit

10.00-13.00 6x 30 min research presentations from EVDC residents in training  

  • These will be case reports, preliminary research data or critically appraised topics (CAT reviews). 
    The best abstracts submitted will be given the opportunity to present. All will be discussed with the assembled delegation and constructive feedback offered. 

13.00-14.00 Buffet Lunch

14.00-17.00 Panel discussions: 30 mins each topic

  • Planning a research project - Nicole du Toit
  • Why become a speciliast? - Neil Townsend 
  • Fractured teeth: Tricky troublesome cases - Henry Tremaine
  • What can we learn from Endodontics in humans and small animals - Joanna Pakula
  • Carious restoration: what is justifiable medicine and what is sales? Paddy Dixon

17.00-17.30 Round-up and close

Registration Fees

Delegates: £155 (€180)

EVDC residents: £105 (€120) 

*Including lunch buffet
